a[f++]=toupper(a[l++]); cout << "\nEncrypted string: " << str << endl; You can find the code for java here: https://www.thejavaprogrammer.com/caesar-cipher-java-encryption-decryption/, sir,please explain the meaning of ch=ch-‘z’+’a’-1. a[m++]=”k”; , cause your c=a chutya bruh thats why you wont get thet shit, Is there anyone in whatsapp group for programming plz add me 9788342473 In this method, every string character is replaced by a fixed value. It is popular by the following naming conventions: This caesarc cipher encryption algorithm is a kind of substitution cipher wherein every character in the plain-text or the user input is replaced by another character which is defined with a fixed number of positions away from the existing character. The method is apparently named after Julius Caesar, who apparently … l=0; } else if(on[h]="x"){ source[h]="x"; target[h]="a"; h++; metr++;}else scanf(“%d”,&k); The key is an integer from 1 to 25. a[f++]=toupper(a[l++]); ch = ch – ‘z’ + ‘a’ – 1; what is the purpose of having they key for the encryption and decryption? And also how to implement numbers to work more than 10 shifts. if(on[h]="Z"){ source[h]="Z"; target[h]="C"; h++; metr++;}else, if(metr=0){ source[h]=on[h]; target[h]=on[h]+3; h++;}, for(sp=0;sp