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ADMISSION TO MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMMES 2020/2021 Students PRE-REGISTERED on the following Master’s Degree Programmes MUST PROVE THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH VIA AN ENTRY TEST: DATA SCIENCE PER L’ECONOMIA E LE IMPRESE (requirement B1) ECONOMIA E MANAGEMENT (requirement B1) MANAGEMENT DELLA SOSTENIBILITA’ ED ECONOMIA CIRCOLARE (requirement B1) … BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20210124T004913Z CREATED:20170320T111146Z LAST-MODIFIED:20200429T122131Z SUMMARY:Open Day On Line Lauree Magistrali ECONOMIA A.A. 2020/21- Campus di Forlì DTSTART:20200507T113000Z DTEND:20200507T153000Z … in evidenza - news. Polo studenti, servizi, campus life, opportunità internazionali Architettura Design del prodotto e dell'evento Design navale e nautico Progettazione delle aree verdi e del paesaggio Economia. 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Economics of Monetary … The "Laurea Magistrale in Economics and Finance" (LMEF) is an advanced two-year course offered by the Naples School of Economics, which groups the graduate programs in economics and finance of the University of Naples Federico II. L in Amministrazione, controllo e finanza aziendale. Vuoi iscriverti all'a.a. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND DEVELOPMENT . Lauree magistrali. There are free ebooks available for adults and kids, and even those tween and teenage readers. Silvia Rubino Savona Area, Italy Health & Safety Management, consulenza Building Materials Education Università degli Studi di Genova 1997 — 2003 Industrial Chemistry Experience Libero professionista consulente Health & Safety September 2012 - Present Nuova Isoltermica S.r.L. finanza e risk management. LAUREE MAGISTRALI DELLA CLASSE (DM 270/04) 3/S Architettura del paesaggio LM-3 Architettura del paesaggio Architettura Tabella XXX del regio decreto 30.9.1938 n.1652 come modificata dal D.M. 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