XY Wing is my favorite technique. Since the Swordfish is arranged in columns, we can eliminate all candidates in the corresponding rows. Remember how the X wing involved 2 possible numbers in two rows? Anche il 6 in D9 è sbagliato (perché abbiamo dimostrato che sarà forzatamente giusto o il candidato in I9 o quello in D2.). I think the Swordfish pattern becomes visible by connecting cells A-C, B-E and D-F. Potremo così eliminarli. Se quest’ultimo è giusto, non ci possono essere altri sei nel suo stesso riquadro quindi possiamo eliminare anche il 6 in I4. Here is a diagram that shows a Swordfish in the rows: The candidates in the 3 defining rows are marked X.These candidates only occupy 3 columns. HoDoKu Solving Technique Index: Example for "(Finned) Sashimi Swordfish" A good program might be a practical way to solve Sudoku puzzles, (so long as the puzzle is a valid one, that is one of the 6.7 x 10^ 21 grids). Following on from my previous post on advanced Sudoku tips and tricks, in which I introduced the X wing strategy.This post is an introduction to an even more difficult method. A Sudoku X-Wing pattern occurs in many of the more difficult Sudoku puzzles. A Mutant Swordfish is a swordfish that is expanded beyond just rows and columns. For example: In this example, the possible locations for 5's are highlighted in green. cells form the swordfish. Terminology and grid layout. To prove this technique, I prefer to use induction. With N=1, we have the trivial case of a Unique Possibility. This is the same idea, except now we’re looking at 3 possible numbers in 3 rows or columns. Using the ‘Swordfish’ Sudoku solving technique Step. Solving Sudoku - Swordfish. The analogy can be extended further. Sudoku is a game of recognizing patterns and spotting opportunities. Title: sudoku_very_hard_2.pub Created Date: 3/29/2006 11:49:21 Ci è costato un bel po’ di fatica ma ora non siamo più bloccati! This is the original, "restrictive" definition. Dato che non possono esserci due 6 nella stessa riga, quello in C3 andrebbe eliminato. Ben şöyle istiyorum.Sudoku Zor da biraz daha sayı verseniz nasıl olur.Zaten zorda böyle olmaz!Biraz daha sayı verseniz iyi olabilir.Bu bir öneridir :) burak akgüneş • 23-09-2017 merhabalar swordfish tekniğini açıklamanız mümkün mü ? In questo modo abbiamo escluso due candidati nelle caselle. There is more than one Técnica Swordfish. Per esempio, nello schema qui sotto abbiamo inserito tutti i candidati. Cercheremo quindi di lavorare su un’area più ampia. Proviamo a capire cosa succederebbe agli altri candidati se presupponessimo che il 6 in C2 (indicando con le lettere le colonne e con i numeri le righe) è al suo posto. Where a Swordfish is 3 rows (or columns) that have candidates in only 3 columns (or rows), a Mutant Swordfish is three of any kind of unit that have candidates only in three different units. Allo stesso modo, dato che non possono esserci due 6 nello stesso riquadro, quello in E3 andrebbe eliminato. Each game has one correct answer and there are a total of 20 levels of games. With N=4, we have a jellyfish. Ci può però risolvere situazioni in cui non ci sono altre soluzioni possibili. Para empezar, señalando todas las casillas donde el … This shows 3 parallel lines that show some similarity with a Swordfish. Post the puzzle or solving technique that's causing you trouble and someone will help. Dato che non possono esserci due 6 nella stessa colonna, quello in C3 e quello in C6 vanno eliminati. Swordfish in the Rows When all candidates for digit X in 3 rows are located in only 3 columns, we can eliminate all candidates for digit X from those 3 columns except those located on the defining 3 rows.. La tecnica dell'area chiusa (o Swordfish) è riservata agli esperti ed è piuttosto difficile da applicare. Joining is quick and free. It's one of those things where, after a little time, I finally came to understand how and why it works, but deep down inside I know I could have never thought it up on my own. En la siguiente imagen hemos quitado los otros valores para dejarlo un poco más claro. 9 X 9 sudoku . Want to see when your friends are online? Consider the example on this page. 9 squares x 9 squares A total of 81 squares (9x9 = 81) fill in the blanks with numbers from 1 to 9 according to the rules. In this example, the possible locations for 5's are highlighted in green. A Swordfish is a basic fish pattern with 3 rows and 3 columns. Before diving into the Swordfish technique, make sure you fully understand the X Wing Technique as the Swordfish builds on that. Vediamo ora se ci sono numeri che risultano sbagliati in entrambe le nostre possibili soluzioni. Se però eliminiamo il 6 in I9, deve forzatamente essere giusto quello in I4, o la colonna rimarrà senza sei. This is common with swordfish, and does not effect the possible eliminations. Even if you know it's there, it can take some time to find. The Swordfish method can be explained as follows: Statement: Number 5 is either in the cells B+C+F or in cells A+D+E. Make sure you’re happy with why X-Wings work before moving on to Swordfish! Prima di poterla applicare, dovremo inserire nella nostra griglia del Sudoku tutti i possibili candidati di ogni cella. The first example is a 2-3-2 Swordfish, that looks similarly to the figure above. With N=2, we have a standard The candidate 5 in the dark blue cells are arranged in columns - every column contains 2 or 3 candidates from the dark blue cells and they are the only ones in the corresponding column. I guess it's because the logic is just so perfect! The primary units can be rows, columns, boxes, or any combination, and the secondary units can be any as well. This is very similar to using X-Wings, in that it will allow you to use knowledge about rows to remove candidates from columns, and vice versa. These guys are very hard to find. Abbiamo quindi una situazione a cui si può applicare la tecnica dell’area chiusa. The darker green cells form the swordfish. Let M be the number of locations for candidate N that are not yet fixed. Também pode simplesmente alterar a estrutura do jogo e permitir a utilização de técnicas mais simples para progredir no puzzle. In this example, the swordfish is missing 5's at c6,d4. Swordfish Example. type of such a matrix. It’s an advanced strategy for sure. Progress: 80%. Candidates 2 in r7c1 and in r6c8 are cover candidates that are not base candidates and can be eliminated. La tecnica dell’area chiusa (o Swordfish) è riservata agli esperti ed è piuttosto difficile da applicare. Swordfish. This is common with swordfish, and does not effect the possible eliminations. Jul 4, 2012 - A while ago I explained the X-Wing solving technique. Recently I shown my explanation of other basic, Classic Sudoku solving techniques. It is analogous to an Ntuple, which crosses the possible locations within a large container of N candidates with N cells. È una tecnica da esperti quindi non scoraggiamoci se dobbiamo leggere un paio di volte la spiegazione per orientarci: una volta che avremo imparato a usarla potremo eliminare candidati in situazioni altrimenti bloccate. Nel nostro caso ne abbiamo presa una rossa e una nera. Igual que ocurre con los X-Wing, un valor en una posición determinada fuerza al otro que esté en la misma fila a no tener ese mismo valor. Swordfish A Swordfish occurs when in three rows all possible cells for a given digit lie in three columns. In this example, the swordfish is missing 5's at c6,d4. Swordfish in the Rows . Take a look at the following Sudoku puzzle. As discussed in the article on SwordFish it is not necessary for every cell in the 3 by 3 formation to contain the candidate, in this example candidate 3. This technique merely crosses the possible locations of a candidate in N rows with N columns. Each row has at least one item that must be true, by examination of the puzzle grid, Each column has no more than one item that, The table has at least three truths (at each row), The table has no more than three truths (at each column), Further, each table column has exactly one truth. Settimana Sudoku - Dal 2005 il miglior settimanale per i giocatori di sudoku. lacks their strict mathematical precision. La tecnica XY wing è più complessa da spiegare che da applicare. ... What Is The Swordfish Strategy? As a member you get heaps of benefits. When to Use Swordfish. Se questo è giusto, però, dobbiamo eliminare l’altro 6 nello stesso riquadro, in H6. Swordfish. Credit for the matrix idea belongs to Andrei Zelevinsky and Bruno Greco (gb). Per esempio, in questo caso unendo tutti i 6 evidenziati formiamo una figura irregolare ma chiusa (ogni angolo che contiene un numero da determinare, cioè, contiene un 6). X wing. should be noted, however, that my presentation of the idea of forbidding matrices Este sudoku está casi resuelto, pero hemos llegado a un punto en el que los métodos más simples ya no nos ayudan. In the example, 2. A técnica Swordfish (peixe espadarte) é uma estratégia avançada de eliminação de candidatos no Sudoku. The logic behind this technique is that if the fin is not true, the rest of the Swordfish is. Se quest’ultimo viene eliminato, il 6 in C6 deve forzatamente essere giusto, o non ci saranno 6 nella riga. Quindi il 6 del secondo riquadro in basso deve forzatamente essere in I9 (altrimenti questa colonna non ha 6) e possiamo eliminare gli altri candidati nella riga. Più semplicemente, i 6 in C3 e in D9 sono comunque sbagliati perché sono indicati da una freccia nera in entrambi i nostri schemi. (Free and Paid options), SlickRick from CairnsBonita from NHQueenie from Xenia, Ohio, Orianne from Ottawa,Canada, Salishgirl from CA, Indicate which comments you would like to be able to see. Immaginiamo ora che il 6 nella quarta colonna della seconda riga sia al posto giusto. Swordfish is another fish pattern composed of base sets and cover sets just like an X-wing, but it is the next step up in terms of power and complexity. The candidates for digit '6' in R1 , R6 and R9 align up perfectly in 3 columns: C1 , C2 and C9 . The cover sets are columns 1, 5, and 8, the fish digit is 2. Swordfish works the same way as X-Wing, but with 3 base sets instead of just 2. The darker green After you have tried all the easier strategies and find no new squares to solve (single possibility, only square, excluded hidden twins, naked twins, excluded subgroup), it may be worth looking out for Swordfishes. Swordfishes work exactly the same way as X-Wings, just with three base and three cover sets instead of only two. Sudoku Solving Techniques Swordfish. In fact it is one of the most complex Sudoku strategies, and that is the Swordfish technique. Sudoku is a popular puzzle with many different versions. D’altra parte, una volta eliminato quest’ultimo, il 6 in E9 deve essere per forza giusto, perché è rimasto l’unico candidato nella colonna. HoDoKu - Sudoku for addicts: Show Example. we have: The table above could also be called a forbidding matrix. Swordfish is a generalization of X-Wing. In ogni casella non risolta, cioè, segneremo a matita tutti i numeri che non vengono esclusi dalla loro presenza in caselle vicine all’interno dello stesso riquadro, della stessa riga o della stessa colonna. When all candidates for digit X in 3 rows are located in only 3 columns, we can eliminate all candidates for digit X from those 3 … Swordfish is an "X-Wing" on steroids. The only remaining solving method that I … Skip to content SUDOKU SWAMI It is a single-digit solving technique. If a digit is a candidate for at most three cells in each of three different rows and the positions of those cells fall into the exactly three columns, then this digit cannot be a candidate for any other rows in the same three columns. With N=3, we have a Swordfish. Sembra difficilissimo se non lo visualizziamo ma osservando con un po’ di attenzione l’esempio qui sotto diventerà tutto più chiaro. Not a member? Mentre nella tecnica della X cercavamo di costruire un quadrato, in questo caso ci basta una qualsiasi figura, regolare o irregolare, chiusa. Para aplicarla, el jugador debe encontrar un dígito candidato en dos celdas en una misma línea, en tres líneas distintas. In questa situazione è difficile proseguire usando i metodi di base che si applicano a una sola riga, a un solo riquadro o a una sola colonna. Existe un Swordfish en los 4s de este sudoku, así que explicaremos lo que es y cómo funciona. Swordfish is similar to X-Wing, but instead of using a rectangle of four squares, it uses a grid of up to nine squares.You can use the swordfish strategy to eliminate candidates. Learn all the tips and secrets to up your sudoku game! On the left the base sets are rows 1, 2, and 9. with N=5, the creative name squirmbag is used. If these fall on exactly three common rows, and each of those rows has at least two candidate cells, then all three rows can be cleared of that digit - except in the defining cells. Se questo 6 è giusto, possiamo eliminare gli altri due nella riga. Qualunque sia il 6 giusto nella seconda riga, infatti, il 6 in C3 è per forza sbagliato, perché abbiamo dimostrato che ha necessariamente un candidato giusto nella sua colonna (in C2 o C6). Murat Özdemir • 09-09-2017 Brute-Force algorithms are basically computer programs that will solve Sudoku puzzles. Tracciamo delle frecce rosse verso le caselle che sarebbero confermate se il nostro 6 in C2 fosse giusto, e delle frecce nere verso le caselle che non potrebbero contenere il candidato. Over time, you’ll get better and faster and noticing when it’s safe to eliminate certain numbers from consideration – but for Sudoku beginners, the best strategy when you are trying to fill an empty space is to keep scanning through neighboring rows and columns. I'm not sure why. Swordfish. How to Solve Sudoku for Beginners - Unique Possibilities, Steps to Solve Tough Sudoku of January 21 2007 with Proof, Steps to Solve Tough Sudoku of 24-Jan-2007 with Proof, Steps to Solve Tough Sudoku of 26-Jan-2007 with Proof, Steps to Solve Tough Sudoku of 1-Feb-2007 with Proof, Steps to Solve Tough Sudoku of 3-Feb-2007 with Proof, Steps to Solve Super Bowl Sudoku Puzzle with Proof, Diabolically Tough Puzzle of February 6, 2007, Easy Proof for the Tough Sudoku of February 11, 2007, Easy Proof for the Tough Sudoku of February 13, 2007, Easy Proof of Tough Sudoku of February 15, 2007, Interesting Proof of Tough of February 23, 2007, Unique Rectangle Solution for February 25, 2007, How to Solve Diabolical Sudoku Puzzles - Part 1, How to Solve Diabolical Sudoku Puzzles - Part 2, How to Solve Diabolical Sudoku Puzzles - Part 3, How to Solve Diabolical Sudoku Puzzles - Part 4, How to Solve Diabolical Sudoku Puzzles - The Final, Final Page of Diabolic Proof for 03/11/07, Almost Locked Sets Proof for March 17, 2007, Almost Locked Sets Proof for March 29,2007, Y Wing Style and Coloring Proof April 5, 2007, Y Wing Style and Coloring Proof April 10, 2007, Extreme Diabolic Tough of April 12, 2007 Page 2, Extreme Diabolic Tough of April 12, 2007 Page 1, Extreme Diabolic Tough April 12, 2007 Final Page, Fourth Chronicle of the Easter Monster Battle, A Decisive volley lobbed upon the Easter Monster, Solution to Tough Sudoku of 12/21/07 Page One, Solution to Tough Sudoku of 12/21/07 Page Two, Solution to Tough Sudoku of 12/21/07 Final Page, Solution for Tough of November 28, 2007 Page One, Solution for Tough of November 28, 2007 Page Two, Solution for Tough of November 28, 2007 Page Three, Final Page for Tough of November 28, 2007, Solution to Tough Sudoku of January 15, 2008, Uniqueness Deduction for Tough Sudoku of 08/07/08, Solution Path for Tough Sudoku of 05/16/09, Solution Path for Tough Sudoku of May 25, 2009, Solution for Tough Sudoku of June 12, 2009, Solution for Tough Sudoku of August 7, 2009, Quantum Example in Tough Sudoku for 09/02/2009, Using Almost Continuous Networks Study 02, Four Uniqueness Techniques Examples in one Puzzle, Let the candidate be limited to no more than N cells in each of these N rows, Let this group of no more than N^2 cells share exactly N columns, The candidate is forbidden from all the cells in those N columns outside of those N^2 cells.